Obstetric Bed
Product Information
No Katalog : 212-000
Harga         : Rp. 10.515.000,-
Kategory     : HOSPITAL BED
Body            : L=1220, L2=730, W=800, H=670
Ket               : Mattress platform is made of square steel pipe and steel sheet.frame is made of steel pipe.the bed consists of head section and foot section.the foot section is separatable, oupled to the head section by means of a wheel at the foot end,and equipped with 4 castors ( 2 braked ).the mattress platform of the head section is downward tiltable by crank placed at side of the bed and the backrest is upward tiltable. equipped with 1 infuse stand,2 leg rests, 1 stainless steel bowl
Finishing      : Epoxy polyester light grey
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